Ah, the great outdoors. It seems like kids these days don’t spend enough time outside because they’re too wrapped up in their video games and on social media. Remember the good ol’ days when you used to be able to tell which friends were at your house based on whose bikes were out front in …
Just like that the consistent warmth of summer is starting to fade away, and you’re starting to see pumpkins EVERYWHERE! That can only mean one thing, it’s officially about to be Fall. While that definitely makes some of us very excited for the upcoming festivities like visits to the apple orchards, corn mazes, and pumpkin …
The kitchen is the backbone of the home. It’s where recipes are shared and passed down between generations, wholesome meals are prepared and taste-tested, and even a place where a midnight snack is snuck from time to time. Kitchens can come in all shapes and sizes, colors, and designs, but one thing remains consistent no …
From fashion trends to music, and everything in between, it really is true what they say: what goes around comes around. Home design trends are no different! Though some trends never went out of style and have withstood the test of time, there are some that at the time seemed like passing fads, but are …